CERA Research Focus Areas

  • Develop and evaluate sustainable and reliable remediation/restoration techniques which take into account changing climatic conditions.
  • Develop and evaluate climate adaption strategies which integrate carbon footprint assessment with technological development, design and evaluation.
  • Develop and evaluate energy transition environmental technologies, traditional knowledge and community socio-economic factors to make available for land reuse and environmental decision-making.
  • Develop and prepare a workforce continuum for the future, K-12 [CFWEP], Trades and Technical [Highlands College] and graduate and undergraduate students to develop, design, install, operate and maintain our future natural resource facilities and restored ecological systems.
  • Advance the science for natural resource extraction waste management and decommissioning practices to improve and create new technologies and products which remediate and beneficially reuse waste resources while minimizing impact.

Develop and prepare a workforce continuum for the future, K-12 [CFWEP], Trades and Technical [Highlands College] and graduate and undergraduate students to develop, design, install, operate and maintain our future natural resource facilities and restored ecological systems.

Advance the science for natural resource extraction waste management and decommissioning practices to improve and create new technologies and products which remediate and beneficially reuse waste resources while minimizing impact.

The vision underlying the proposed collaborative research programs is to use the State of Montana’s 50-year history in large and small-scale remediation and restoration as a learning platform for other states and regions. 

CERA achieves this through development of environmentally acceptable technologies and climate resilient remediation and restoration processes which provide an opportunity for permanent and sustainable site clean-up and restoration; land, water and waste reuse; and increased community value. 

Connect with CERA.

If you have questions or ideas for collaboration, please reach out.

Dr. Robin Bullock
Interim Director of CERA