Career Services
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Graduate Questionnaire

Please contact Career Services if you need any help filling out this information (406) 496-4140.

What are your plans after graduation?

If you have recently graduated or will graduate soon, please complete the information below. Career Services needs your information to complete statistics for your department and Montana Tech. Thank you for your assistance!

All fields are required.

First Name:
Last Name:
Your responses will not be identified with your name
Tech ID: (i.e.799999999)
Graduation Date (mm/yyyy):
Degree Major:
Please select an option below that best fits your current goals.

If not seeking employment, please explain your plans:

If seeking employment, please explain your job search process (No punctuation):

Is this position full-time or part-time?

Does this job require your specific degree?

Does this job require a degree?

While working, are you seeking a degree-related job?

Approx. Hours per Week expected to work:

Employer Name:

Select your Employer's Name from the drop down list; if not listed, select “Not Listed” and type your Employer's Name in the New Employer Name field.

New Employer Name:

Job Title:

Date Accepted (mm/dd/yyyy):

Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy):

Work Phone (###) ###-####:

Work Location:




Number of Offers: Including the one you accepted

This information is complied and reported by departments. Salary information is kept confidential and will only be released as part of an average/range of values.

Hourly Wage(in U.S. Dollars):

Annual Salary(in U.S. Dollars):

Signing Bonus:

Why did you select the position with your current or future employer? (List in order of importance)

Reason 1:

Reason 2:

Reason 3:

Reason 4:

Reason 5:

Reason 6:

Reason 7:

Other (No special characters allowed):

Continuing Education

Institution Name:






Why did you select this institution?
Please give a description of what your plans are, and which schools you are applying to or considering.


Location (ex:city-state) if known:

Forwarding Address Information
Primary Phone (###) ###-####:
Additional Phone (###) ###-####:
Email (Do Not Use MT Tech Email):

While in school, were you aware of the services provided by the Career Services Office?

During your college career, did you have any internship or other degree-related work experience?

If so, did you receive a full-time job offer from any of the companies for which you did an internship?

Are you interested in participating in a volunteer alumni network to connect with other alumni or help students at Montana Tech?