About Us

Here at Montana Tech, we know students are at the heart of what we do. That's why we work to ensure students have equal access to our exceptional campus, activities, and programs through reasonable accommodations through collaboration with campus and community partners. Equal access is a civil right guaranteed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Fair Housing Act

The purpose of accommodations is to "level the playing field", and accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis by student's documentation and personal history, then tailored to her or his individual situation. 

Getting accommodations is just an easy 3 steps away!
  1. Book an Appointment to discuss your access needs.
  2. Fill out the New Student Application.
  3. Submit documentation that follows our guidelines.

Additional Services

Accessibility Committee

Our purpose is to continually monitor for accessibility barriers and work with relevant partners to address and resolve access issues.


We provide designated ADA seating and additional handicapped parking spaces near the HPER for visitors with disabilities attending commencement.

Don't Cancel Class!

Debuting Fall 2024, faculty will have the option to request staff members host workshops for their students instead of cancelling class.

Faculty & Staff

A handy guide with easy steps to making courses more accessible, a sample syllabus statement, your rights and responsibilities, and much more!

Parents & Guardians

Understand and prepare for the adjustments that sending your child to a university may bring. College is a new ball game with a new set of rules.

Contact Us

Shauna Goodell
Disability Services & Accessibility Coordinator

Student Success Center 3.137
1440 W. Park St., Butte, MT
Main: (406) 496-4428
Fax: (406) 496-4757